Researching Slave Trade in the Archives of the MCC
Researching the 18th-century transatlantic slave trade and other maritime topics in the archives of the Middelburg Commerce Company (MCC).
The records that were once kept by the Middelburg Commerce Company (MCC) now constitute the world’s most comprehensive collection of archives on human trafficking in the 18th century. Documenting 114 slave voyages and packed with detailed information, they offer unique insights provided by eyewitnesses of the transatlantic slave trade.
The archives of the MCC were subscribed in 2011 in UNESCO's Memory of the World Register.
The Zeeland Archives made a blog about the voyage of the MCC ship The Unity from the years 1761-1763. By way of the authentic archive documents, the journey can be followed day by day.
The online exhibition Into the Triangle Trade essentially tells the story of the transatlantic slave trade and the Middelburg Commerce Company.